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10 GBP
12 GBP
Timed auction
Lot location
Norwich, Norfolk
3 x Face masks, 2 boxes
Online Only Sale of Farm Machinery and Pig Equipment
Venue address
Orchard Farm
Loddon Road
Norwich, Norfolk
NR14 7PH
United Kingdom
Online Only Sale of Farm Machinery and Pig Equipment

We are instructed by the executors of Mr C Cole Dec'd to conduct timed online only sale of Farm Machinery & Pig Equipment

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 27, 2023 05:30 PM BST
Ends from: Oct 04, 2023 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Oct 02, 2023 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM BST
Oct 03, 2023 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM BST
Auction currency
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Other payment methods

Shipping is not arranged by Durrants or the Vendors. Collection of all lots is to be arranged by the purchasers by appointment. 

All lots should be collected not later than 4 working weeks after the end of the sale unless an alternative is arranged in advance of the end of the sale with the Auctioneer or unless a specific date is mentioned for an individual lot. Removal of lots is subject to clearance of bank transfers, and so forth. Any items left after this date will either be disposed of or offered for sale in a subsequent auction without reserve. 

Terms and Conditions


In these conditions the following terms have the following meanings unless inconsistent with the context:

“Auctioneers” means Durrants Auctioneers

“Host” means – The host website portal for this auction.

“Commission” means the commission charged on the sale of Lots

“Conditions” means the standard terms and conditions of business set out in this document

“Lots” means all or any furniture and other items sold or intended to be sold in accordance with these conditions

“Purchaser” means a person, firm or Company who purchase any Lot

“Vendor” means a person, firm or Company who puts forward any Lot intended to be sold at the sale

“Sale” means a sale of the Lots by auction from time to time organized by the auctioneers

“Storage Location” means the venue at which the specific lot is stored during the sale period and is available for viewing.

“Sale price” means the price at which a Lot is sold to the winning buyer.

“Sale Proceeds” means the net amount due to the Vendor being the Sale price of the lot sold less commission and expenses and any other amounts due to the Auctioneer by the Vendor in whatever capacity and howsoever arising

“Reserve Price” means the minimum price fixed by either the Auctioneers or Vendor at which any Lot is to be sold at the sale

“Auction Period” means the duration of the timed auction as advertised. Any time periods running from the end of the Auction Period commence at the closing time of the Auction Period.

Except where the context otherwise requires words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa; words donating one gender includes all genders, words denoting persons include corporations.



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After the close of the sale such risk and duty shall devolve upon the Purchaser.



V.A.T. will be added to the hammer price on all lots unless otherwise stated. Export: In the context of this sale, this also includes buyers from Northern Ireland. Following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, a deposit equivalent to UK VAT rate (20%) will be charged on all lots purchased by buyers outside the UK, regardless of whether the buyer has purchased from Durrants before. This will be refunded upon confirmation of export and full traceability provided by the purchaser, no later than 10 working days from the date of the auction. After this point it will not be possible to refund and the purchaser will forfeit this payment. The preparation for machinery for export, including cleaning, obtaining phyto-sanitary certificates and export paperwork, will be entirely at the buyer’s cost. This work will not be carried out by Durrants. It must be carried out by an appropriate shipping agent. 



Potential purchasers who do not inspect lots prior to bidding, do so at their own risk.

The condition and function of an item should be confirmed by the bidder, prior to bidding. As there will be NO Refunds or Allowance given after the closure of the bidding process. Your bid is your commitment to purchase. Not to view or negotiate after the sale.

Transgression of these rules will be reported to i-bidder and the bidder will be blocked from taking part in any future i-bidder sales.

No warranty is offered or implied. Each lot is bought and sold as seen.



Monday 2nd October from 1pm to 5pm and Tuesday 3rd October 10am to 5pm. Viewing of any included lots by prior arrangement only. Refreshments will be available on Tuesday 3rd October.  View day telephone number - 07769 584177.

Lots 262A and 262B are stored at the Vendor's premises, to arrange viewing please telephone 07769 584177 or  01502 470427.


Collection -

All free standing lots to be removed by Thursday 26th October unless an alternative is arranged in advance of the end of the sale with the Auctioneer.

Items of fixed equipment are to be removed as soon as possible. If not practical to remove the items prior to the 26th October, please inform the auctioneers as soon as possible to arrange date for clearance.

Removal of lots is subject to clearance of bank transfers, and so forth. Any items left after this date will either be disposed of or offered for sale in a subsequent auction without reserve. 

Loading facilities will be available until 5pm on Friday 13th October, thereafter by appointment only with Kevin Haclin on 07413 334084 until 26th October 2023. 


Contact Details:


10 New Market



NR34 9HA

Tel: 01502 470427 / 07769 584177


Auctioneer: Nicholas Rudge


Internet Information


BIDDING CLOSES FROM 10AM- contact numbers 07769 584177 / 01502 470427 / 01502 470422




1. Buyers Premium

Buyers premium will be charged at the following rates: 

5% + VAT with a ceiling of £1,000 plus VAT for any single item will be charged by Durrants

4% + VAT charged by

These charges will be added to your invoice after the sale. 


2. Viewing

Monday 2nd October from 1pm to 5pm and Tuesday 3rd October 10am to 5pm. Viewing of any included lots by prior arrangement only. Refreshments will be available on Tuesday 3rd October.  View day telephone number - 07769 584177.


Lots 262A and 262B are stored at the Vendor's premises, to arrange viewing please telephone 07769 584177 or  01502 470427.


3. Location of Sale and Directions


From the A47 junction with the A146 Beccles to Lowestoft Road, proceed towards Beccles for just under 4 miles and the farm will  be found on the left hand side.




From the south at the A143/A146 junction, proceed on the A146 towards Norwich, go through Thurlton and Orchard Farm will  be found on the right hand side just under 2 miles.

Sat Nav: NR14 7PH

What 3 Words: marathon.prepped.surreal


4. VAT - V.A.T. will be added to the hammer price on all lots unless otherwise stated. Export: In the context of this sale, this also includes buyers from Northern Ireland. Following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, a deposit equivalent to UK VAT rate (20%) will be charged on all lots purchased by buyers outside the UK, regardless of whether the buyer has purchased from Durrants before. This will be refunded upon confirmation of export and full traceability provided by the purchaser, no later than 10 working days from the date of the auction. After this point it will not be possible to refund and the purchaser will forfeit this payment. The preparation for machinery for export, including cleaning, obtaining phyto-sanitary certificates and export paperwork, will be entirely at the buyer’s cost. This work will not be carried out by Durrants. It must be carried out by an appropriate shipping agent.


5. Buyer Registration – All registrations for this auction are provisional and subject to the approval of the auctioneer. If your registration has not been approved, please telephone 01502 470427 on the morning that the sale closes.


6. Internet Bidding and Timing - Bidding opens at 5.30pm on Wednesday 27th September and closes from 10am on Wednesday 4th October. Lots will finish at 30 second intervals, if a bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of the item ending the end time will be extended by a further 5 minutes. In order to check the latest amount bid for a lot, press F5 and refresh your screen. All bidding to be through I-bidder and Bid-Spotter only.

Please do not leave placing your bid until the last minute as you may miss out. You can place your maximum time during the bidding period and the system will automatically bid up to your maximum bid. You will only buy an item one bid over the previous bidder as long as the reserve is met, regardless of your maximum bid. Please note your maximum bid is not visible to the auctioneer or other bidders.

The loaders followed by the trailers will start at Lot 409 onwards and will  be offered from 1.25pm onwards. Please check the individual closing time for each lot.

If, at the time of placing your highest bid the reserve has not been met, it may be treated as a valid bid and the Lot may be knocked down to you once the sale has closed.

All details are provided in good faith. They should not be relied upon as fact and buyers must make their own investigations where measurements, mileages, hours, condition or authenticity are critical. Buyers should make themselves satisfied they are happy with the lot before they bid as viewing is available on all lots by prior appointment, all bids are non-retractable.

Potential purchasers who do not inspect lots prior to bidding, do so at their own risk.


7. Payment – All lots must be paid for within 5 working days of the sale. Payment can be made by debit card or direct bank transfer (BACS). Please note credit cards and American Express are NOT accepted.


8. Removal of Goods 

8.1       All free standing lots to be removed by Thursday 26th October unless an alternative is arranged in advance of the end of the sale with the Auctioneer.

8.2       Items of fixed equipment are to be removed as soon as possible. If not practical to remove the items prior to the 26th October, please inform the auctioneers as soon as possible to arrange date for clearance.

8.3       Removal of lots is subject to clearance of bank transfers, and so forth. Any items left after this date will either be disposed of or offered for sale in a subsequent auction without reserve. 


9. Loading – Loading facilities will be available until 5pm on Friday 13th October, thereafter by appointment only with Kevin Haclin on 07413 334084 until 26th October 2023.  


10. Responsibility for Lots – After the close of the sale such risk and duty shall devolve upon the Purchaser. See note 14 below.


11. Hours and Mileage - Where mentioned they are at times of cataloguing. Registration documents (where available) will be supplied after clearance of payment.


12. Sale Day Telephone Numbers – 01502 470422 (Nicholas Rudge), 01502 470427 (Emma Hume)


13. Catalogue Entries – Please note whilst every attempt is made to ensure that the descriptions are accurate, no guarantees are either given or implied. Buyers should be aware that from time to time, lots are withdrawn and other lots added. Please contact the auctioneers prior to the sale to ensure that the machinery has been delivered onto the sale ground.


14. RESERVATION OF USE – Please note the vendors are reserving the use of Lot 410 Weidemann 2070 TX and Lot 412 the Merlo Farmer P37-10CS to assist with loading until 5pm on Friday 13th October. The vendors will be responsible for maintenance and repair of both loaders if required until then.

Please refer to conditions of sale.


15. Reserves

There is a reserve on some of the Lots included in the Auction. 

Vendors may ask us to reduce the reserves in the closing hours of the auction therefore when you are placing a bid, you are bidding to buy.

We reserve the right to withdraw any item from sale at any time.